Human prostate gland is subject to various disorders. The etiology and pathogenesis of these diseases are not still well comprehended. Furthermore, despite technological developments, the differential diagnosis of prostate disorders has become progressively more intricate and argumentative. It is proposed that the vanadium (V) extent in prostatic tissue has a significant role in prostatic carcinogenesis and its measurement can be helpful as a cancer biomarker. These suggestions promoted more detailed studies of the V content in the prostatic tissue of healthy subjects. By systematic analysis of the published data for V content, this study analyzed the prostatic tissue of “normal” glands. This evaluation reviewed 2127 studies, all of which were published in the years from 1921 to 2020, and was located by searching the databases PubMed, Scopus, ELSEVIER-EMBASE, Cochrane Library, and the Web of Science. The articles were analyzed and “Median of Means” and “Range of Means” were used to investigate the heterogeneity of the measured V content in prostates of apparently healthy men. The objective analysis was performed on data from the 17 studies, which included 664 subjects. It was found that the range of means of prostatic V content reported in the literature for “normal” gland differs widely from <0.010 mg/kg to 7.0 mg/kg with a median of means <0.034 mg/kg on a wet mass basis. Because of the small sample size and high data heterogeneity, we recommend that other primary studies are performed.
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