The article considers the theoretical and practical aspects of planning, creation, and functioning of the informational and educational environment of the Bogomolets National Medical University based on the distance learning platform LIKAR_NMU. The definitions and some conditions met by the modern educational environment of the Medical (Pharmaceutical) Institution of Higher Education (M(P)HEI) were analyzed. The basic educational and methodical resources that ensure the formation and functioning of the informational and educational environment of modern M(P)HEI were identified. The functional structure of the educational environment based on distance learning technologies was determined by the system of educational process goals, and the educational activities consisted of problem-oriented blocks. The main features of the informational and educational environment of M(P)HEI in distance learning were established. The informational and educational environment model of the Bogomolets National Medical University was offered. The core of the informational and educational environment is the official portal of the university, and the system includes informational, educational information, and educational technology. The main advantages of using functional peculiarities of the automated control system and distance learning platform were analyzed. The comparison of activities on the distance learning platform and in the automated control system, depending on user roles, was covered. The area of responsibility of technical support was described and the structure of the distance learning platform LIKAR_NMU was demonstrated. The results of an online survey of the research department from teaching staff and students of different faculties on the quality of distance learning at the university are presented.
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