Archive \ Volume.13 2022 Issue 3

Development to Adapt and Rebuild Motor Actions of Children Aged 8-9 Years Using a Coordination Ladder


The coordination ladder in the physical education lesson can solve the problem of developing coordination abilities. The development of adaptation and restructuring of motor actions of schoolchildren using a coordination ladder in physical education lessons. The study was conducted based on the ordinary school of the city of Kirov in Russia. The study involved children aged 8-9 years. The children in the control group studied according to the standard program, and the children from the control group additionally performed exercises on the coordination ladder. The students attended physical education classes 2 times a week, each lesson lasted 40 minutes. A total of 72 lessons were in each group. The ability to adapt and rebuild motor actions was determined using the "Game of Blunders" test. Statistical processing was carried out with the T-Student program. After the end of the pedagogical experiment, the indicators of children in the control group improved by 11.9% (p>0.05), the positive dynamics can be explained by a natural increase in coordination abilities at the age of 8-9 years and the effectiveness of using the standard physical education program in Russian schools. The indicators of children in the experimental group improved by 52.4% (p<0.05). Such results can be explained by the effectiveness of the implementation of a set of exercises using a coordination ladder in physical education lessons. The indicators of adapt and rebuild motor actions will significantly improve if children aged 8-9 perform a set of physical exercises on the coordination ladder during physical education lessons.

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How to cite:
Polevoy GG. Development to Adapt and Rebuild Motor Actions of Children Aged 8-9 Years Using a Coordination Ladder. Arch Pharm Pract. 2022;13(3):112-5.
Polevoy, G. G. (2022). Development to Adapt and Rebuild Motor Actions of Children Aged 8-9 Years Using a Coordination Ladder. Archives of Pharmacy Practice, 13(3), 112-115.

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