Archive \ Volume.14 2023 Issue 3

Hybrid Encryption Technique to Enhance Security of Health Data in Cloud Environment

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Data security is a primary concern in cloud computing as data is traveling over the internet and is originated from various sources. Encryption techniques are used to protect sensitive information from unauthenticated users, but sometimes brute force methods can identify the hidden data. To improve data privacy and authentication, we proposed a method that combines Advanced Encryption Standard and proxy re-encryption algorithm with a Honey encryption algorithm and N-th degree Truncated Polynomial Ring Unit (NTRU) or Number Theory Research Unit). Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) is a popular symmetric encryption method that encrypts and decrypts data using a secret key. Proxy re-encryption is a cryptographic technique that allows a third party to transform cipher texts from one key to another without seeing the plaintext. Honey encryption is a relatively new technique that adds realistic-looking but bogus data to encrypted messages, making it difficult for attackers to determine if the decrypted message is real or fake. NTRU is a cryptosystem that uses the public key on the polynomial ring. By combining these techniques, the proposed method can improve data security for outsourced data in the cloud. Unauthorized users may face challenges accessing messages that appear to be legitimate when Honey encryption is combined with Hybrid cryptography. Overall, the use of these techniques provides enhanced security and protection to the user’s data, and ensure that only authorized user can access and manipulate sensitive data, stored in the cloud.

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How to cite:
Dutta A, Bose R, Roy S, Sutradhar S. Hybrid Encryption Technique to Enhance Security of Health Data in Cloud Environment. Arch Pharm Pract. 2023;14(3):41-7.
Dutta, A., Bose, R., Roy, S., & Sutradhar, S. (2023). Hybrid Encryption Technique to Enhance Security of Health Data in Cloud Environment. Archives of Pharmacy Practice, 14(3), 41-47.

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