Archive \ Volume.15 2024 Issue 2

Post-Intensive Care Syndrome Scale: Turkish Validity and Reliability Study

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  1. Faculty of Health Sciences, Van Yuzuncu Yıl University, Van, Turkey.
  2. Faculty of Health Sciences, Nisantasi University, Istanbul, Turkey.
  3. Faculty of Health Sciences, Bahçeşehir University, Istanbul, Turkey.


This study aimed to analyze the Turkish validity and reliability of a scale to be used for the assessment of post-intensive care syndrome in patients surviving in the intensive care unit. This is a methodological study in which the Turkish version of the "Post-Intensive Care Syndrome Scale" developed by Jeong and Kang (2019) was performed. The population of the study consists of 350 people. The sample consisted of 225 patients due to voluntary participation, unavailability, and death. The researchers collected data by applying the Post-Intensive Care Syndrome Scale. The data in the scale were measured as a number, percentage, standard deviation, minimum, maximum, and mean. Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) and Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) were applied for language and content validity and construct validity of the scale. There was a high level of agreement between the expert opinions regarding the items of the scale in terms of content validity of the "Post Intensive Care Syndrome Scale" (CSR=0.96). Exploratory factor analysis revealed that the scale has a three-factor structure, 17 items explained 69.64% of the total variance, and factor loadings ranged between 0.48-0.86. According to confirmatory factor analysis, Chi-square/sd=2.719 non-normed fit index=0.89 and comparative fit index=0.93. Cronbach's alpha reliability coefficient was 0.93. The study results showed the Turkish version of the Post-Intensive Care Syndrome. Scale meets the Turkish version criteria at an acceptable level and can be used in scientific research.

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How to cite:
Güven S, Çınar F, Aslan FE. Post-Intensive Care Syndrome Scale: Turkish Validity and Reliability Study. Arch Pharm Pract. 2024;15(2):20-5.
Güven, S., Çınar, F., & Aslan, F. E. (2024). Post-Intensive Care Syndrome Scale: Turkish Validity and Reliability Study. Archives of Pharmacy Practice, 15(2), 20-25.

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