Archive \ Volume.15 2024 Issue 3

The Mineral Preparation Dibeston: The Effect on the State of Excretory Kidney Function in Diabetes Mellitus

, , , , , , ,
  1. Department of Therapy, Faculty of Therapy, Dagestan State Medical University, Makhachkala, Russia.
  2. Department of Pediatrics, Faculty of Pediatrics, Russian National Research Medical University named after N.I. Pirogov, Moscow, Russia.


Diabetes mellitus is one of the most common diseases in modern society, and by 2030, according to the World Health Organization, it may reach the seventh place in the ranking of the main causes of death of the population. To optimize the treatment of diabetes mellitus, various mineral complexes can be used. This scientific article reveals the potential of the action of the new mineral preparation Dibeston on the state of excretory kidney function in alloxan diabetes. An experiment was conducted on 40 white laboratory rats divided into five groups: group 1 - intact; group 2 - controls with alloxan diabetes; group 3 - alloxan diabetes - Dibeston; group 4 - alloxan diabetes + Asparkam; group 5 - alloxan diabetes + selenium preparation. The levels of glycemia, creatinine, polyuria, and proteinuria were studied. It was found that the drug Dibeston has a pronounced beneficial effect in case of impaired kidney function against the background of alloxan diabetes mellitus.

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How to cite:
Musakaev DA, Shaikhalov MA, Asvarova DG, Bagandalieva AM, Pomortsev NA, Ayubova AS, et al. The Mineral Preparation Dibeston: The Effect on the State of Excretory Kidney Function in Diabetes Mellitus. Arch Pharm Pract. 2024;15(3):13-6.
Musakaev, D. A., Shaikhalov, M. A., Asvarova, D. G., Bagandalieva, A. M., Pomortsev, N. A., Ayubova, A. S., Rasulova, D. R., & Bolatova, E. Y. (2024). The Mineral Preparation Dibeston: The Effect on the State of Excretory Kidney Function in Diabetes Mellitus. Archives of Pharmacy Practice, 15(3), 13-16.

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