Archive \ Volume.15 2024 Issue 4

Interactive Approach in Teaching Pharmaceutical Terminology: Experience of Blended Learning

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  1. Bogomolets National Medical University, Faculty for training of foreign citizens, Department of the Language studies and Department of medical and biological physics and informatics, Kyiv, Ukraine.


The article describes a study on enhancing the learning of Latin-Greek pharmaceutical terminology in the context of mixed education during war conditions. The research focuses on the use of interactive teaching methods, particularly the Miro board, to overcome challenges associated with the pandemic and war-related disruptions in traditional classroom training. This article examines the integration of interactive learning methodologies, particularly Miro boards, into the teaching of Latin-Greek pharmaceutical terminology. Faced with the challenges of the pandemic and the war, the Ukrainian higher education system adapted to a mixed education format. The study analyzes the impact of interactive methods on students' academic performance and psychological well-being. Using the example of the Miro interactive whiteboard, the technical possibilities of its use during the study of pharmaceutical terminology are demonstrated. The article illustrates the results of a survey among students regarding the use of interactive technologies and difficulties arising during distance and blended learning. The results show a significant improvement in performance among students using the Miro board, demonstrating its effectiveness in co-educational settings during wartime. The article emphasizes the importance of adapting learning tools to take into account the unique cognitive characteristics of today's students and highlights the role of interactive technologies in creating an engaging and stress-relieving learning environment.

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How to cite:
Nina C, Olena S, Natalia S, Nina L, Kateryna Y, Oksana N, et al. Interactive Approach in Teaching Pharmaceutical Terminology: Experience of Blended Learning. Arch Pharm Pract. 2024;15(4):65-71.
Nina, C., Olena, S., Natalia, S., Nina, L., Kateryna, Y., Oksana, N., Tamara, S., & Iya, K. (2024). Interactive Approach in Teaching Pharmaceutical Terminology: Experience of Blended Learning. Archives of Pharmacy Practice, 15(4), 65-71.

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