Today, massage therapy is one of the most widespread forms of complementary therapy. One of the types of massage therapy is reflexology or reflection therapy. Reflexology is a special form of massage that is associated with applying pressure on the reflex points that are usually in the feet, it is believed that these points are connected to all parts of the body, and pressure on them can stimulate the body's physiological responses. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of the studies conducted in the field of reflexology on different body systems. The present study was a review study that examines the studies done in the field of reflexology effects. In these studies, variables such as fatigue, sleep, constipation, intensity and duration of labor, vomiting after chemotherapy, anxiety, physiological indicators, PMS symptoms, back pain, and restlessness were studied. The total findings of this review study show the favorable effect of reflexology on various diseases and disorders. Although reflexology cannot be used as an alternative treatment, it can be said that reflexology is a side treatment method and a pleasant and relaxing experience. It seems that reflexology can reduce the pain of patients after surgery. Therefore, it is recommended that nurses and staff of operating rooms and surgery centers use reflexology to reduce the pain of patients.
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