Archive \ Volume.15 2024 Issue 1

The Comparative Analysis of Components of Pharmacy Education Programs in Universities of EU Countries and Ukraine

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  1. Department of Technology of Biologically Active Substances, Pharmacy and Biotechnology, Lviv Polytechnic National University, Lviv, Ukraine.
  2. Department of Healthcare Management, Pharmacotherapy and Clinical Pharmacy, Danylo Halytsky Lviv National Medical University, Lviv, Ukraine.


The research aimed to conduct a comparative analysis of the academic components of Pharmacy education programs of higher education institutions in Ukraine and EU countries and to study their development experience. The research objects were the Pharmacy education programs presented at the official websites of higher education institutions of Ukraine, Poland, Italy, Sweden, and Germany. Analytical-comparative, content, systematic, meta-analysis, logical, decomposition, and modeling research methods were used. There were established similar and different academic elements relevant to the title, structure, content, and workload hours in higher education institutions of Ukraine and EU countries. It determined the criteria of the originality and specific direction of the Pharmacy education programs, which indicates the peculiarities of specialists' training of a certain degree level and qualification. The importance of the vector of European integration processes in higher education institutions in Ukraine concerning the modeling and development of students’ learning process by the Pharmacy specialty has been proven. The research results can be a guide for making changes and annexes to the structure and content of the Pharmacy education programs in higher education institutions of Ukraine for maximal convergence and harmonization of the education system with the EU countries within the framework of the Bologna Agreement, intending to create a single European area of higher education.

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Aelita K, Oksana L, Iryna H, Anna K, Vira L. The Comparative Analysis of Components of Pharmacy Education Programs in Universities of EU Countries and Ukraine. Arch Pharm Pract. 2024;15(1):23-32.
Aelita, K., Oksana, L., Iryna, H., Anna, K., & Vira, L. (2024). The Comparative Analysis of Components of Pharmacy Education Programs in Universities of EU Countries and Ukraine. Archives of Pharmacy Practice, 15(1), 23-32.

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